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FDMEE Essbase/Planning Script Execution Glitch

FDMEE Essbase/Planning Script Execution Glitch

When targeting Essbase/Planning applications through FDMEE, a particularly useful feature is the ability to trigger Calculation scripts before and after the Load process as well as before and after the Check process. Not only can you execute scripts, but you can control the execution order and pass script parameters. This functionality is quite useful for executing fixed scope data clear operations before the data load and executing targeting aggregation/calculations after the data load has been completed.

Figure 1 – FDMEE Target Application Calculation Script Editor

While this feature works great when the scripts are working, what happens when there is a script failure? If a script executed during the Load process fails, should the FDMEE Load step report a failure? (even if the data loaded?) How about a script failure during the Check step? Would you be surprised to know that currently in, this is not the case?

In the event of a successful load process, even if a script error occurred, all FDMEE “fish” steps will return gold and the Process Monitor report will reflect the same. (e.g. no issues) Your only indication of a failure will be in the job log for the data load process!

If you are currently leveraging this functionality, please be aware of this quirk until this is corrected!


  • (Patch 20648390) advertises this as being fixed; however, it still presents itself in [See Defect: 20631385]
  • An enhancement request, 25217240, was created for this issue when submitted in I do not know if this has been implemented yet; however, no fix is listed in the Defects Fixed Finders Tool through

Steps to Recreate [target a non-existent script]

#1 – Create FDM Target Planning Application and associate a Calculation script that does not exist in the target application

Figure 2 – Create Calculation Script references for our sample Target Application

#2 – Create your Location / Data Load Maps / Data Load Rule / etc.

#3 – Load a data file through and confirm that the Process Monitor reflects success.

Figure 3 – Perform a data load and confirm that the Process Monitor User Interface shows no errors

#4 – Pull Process Monitor report and confirm no errors reflected.

Figure 4 – Run the Process Monitor Report to verify it also does not reflect any errors

#5 – Review the log file

Since the script doesn’t exist, the FDMEE log will reflect an Essbase error due to the non-existent script.

Figure 5 – Review the Job log to verify an error is reflected in the logs

Version Information:

Figure 6 – Confirm version of FDMEE


If your load process is being performed manually, the easiest recommendation is to have users review the log to confirm successful script execution.

If you are performing automated processing where it is not feasible to manually review logs, considering implementing an Event script to scan the log file for script success/failure and using that to trigger a failure in FDMEE / Error Log / Email Notification / etc.

PBCS Data Loading Glitch

PBCS Data Loading Glitch

While building out data load automations for PBCS and FCCS recently, I ran into a somewhat annoying issue when loading data to PBCS. Even more surprising is that Oracle claims it works as expected….. This post will explain the issue and provide a really simple work around until this gets properly addressed.

The Problem

Anyone who has worked with FDM Classic, FDMEE, or Data Management for any amount of time has run into at least one failed data load due to invalid dimension member(s) in their exported data. While the data load process should ensure that the target application metadata is current before loading data, this doesn’t always happen. (e.g. last minute source ERP updates that do not get properly communicated to the EPM team)

While a data load failure isn’t optimal, typically this failure is easy enough to identify and fix based off of the feedback provided from FDM/FDMEE/Data Management and the target application.

FDMEE / PBCS Merge Load Failure

FDMEE / Planning Merge Load Failure


Data Management / FCCS Merge Load Failure

Unfortunately, when you perform a Replace export to a PBCS target application, under some circumstances you will get a quite unhelpful response:

Data Management / PBCS Replace Load Failure

What Happened?

When performing a Merge export, FDMEE/Data Management simply passes the generated data file to the target application for loading without any pre-processing. When performing a Replace export, a data clear script is dynamically generated based on the members contained in the export data.

The script will clear data for every intersection of Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Value dimensions. In the event that one of those members is missing in the target application, the dynamic clear script will contain an invalid member resulting in the error shown above. While the error shown above is completely legitimate, it isn’t meaningful enough to allow you to locate the member easily.

Oddly, if you recreate this scenario when loading to FCCS, you will have a much different result! When performing a replace load to FCCS, invalid members will result in meaningful errors that include the invalid member name(s)! Even more odd, Oracle Support will tell you that both are working as designed. It would seem that PBCS should behave similarly to FCCS to simplify troubleshooting efforts. (Perhaps if enough people raise this as an issue, they will address it?)

Work Around

The easiest way to work around this issue is to perform two data exports to PBCS for Replace operations. The first export should be a Merge load. As the dynamic clear script will not be generated for a Merge, this will result allow you to receive specific errors in the event that there is a data load failure. After have a successful Merge load, then perform the Replace load to ensure that all data gets cleared, etc.

Job Output from Merge/Replace Load Automation Process